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Monday, November 14, 2011

Trouble flares with undercover investigators

Two Undercover private investigators were injured when a bouncer at a South Pattaya disco and four other Thai men beat them before firing a handgun into the air.Brit Craig phillips, 39, and an unidentified Thai man were treated for a broken nose, cuts and bruises at Pattaya Memorial Hospital. Both were extremely dazed and unable to give statements to officers at the time.

Police who arrived to find the club still open illegally at 6 a.m. Oct. 31 interviewed numerous witnesses who all relayed the same story: A club employee got into a dispute with the two men who were carrying out an investigation on a girl who worked there and, when the shoving started, four other Thais piled on and beat the two foreign men senseless.

The assault only ended, witnesses said, when the bouncer filed two shots from a pistol in the air and the Thais stopped kicking the downed men and ran away.

Police pledged to continue their investigation, although they took no action against the disco for operating past closing time or for its overzealous “security” guards. 


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