bargirl-spy welcomes you and your comments. are the largest bargirl/non bargirl private investigators currently operating in Bangkok,Phuket,Pattaya and through out Thailand.Experts in fidelity checks.

bargirl-spy has 10 years experience operating as bargirl/thai lady investigators in thailand. have 12 field operatives and 5 support administrators based in Bangkok,Phuket,Chiang Mai and Pattaya. have seen all the lies ,cheating,scamming and tricks that are used.

Our detectives are well versed in covert surveillance and always undertake investigations in a discreet and efficient manner using professional methods .The performance and methodology of our detectives is under constant review to ensure the investigations that we carry out for you are conducted in the most thorough and cost-effective manner. operate on a totally unbiased view and we respect your confidentiality.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Trouble flares with undercover investigators

Two Undercover private investigators were injured when a bouncer at a South Pattaya disco and four other Thai men beat them before firing a handgun into the air.Brit Craig phillips, 39, and an unidentified Thai man were treated for a broken nose, cuts and bruises at Pattaya Memorial Hospital. Both were extremely dazed and unable to give statements to officers at the time.

Police who arrived to find the club still open illegally at 6 a.m. Oct. 31 interviewed numerous witnesses who all relayed the same story: A club employee got into a dispute with the two men who were carrying out an investigation on a girl who worked there and, when the shoving started, four other Thais piled on and beat the two foreign men senseless.

The assault only ended, witnesses said, when the bouncer filed two shots from a pistol in the air and the Thais stopped kicking the downed men and ran away.

Police pledged to continue their investigation, although they took no action against the disco for operating past closing time or for its overzealous “security” guards. 

Bargirl-spy cracks a crack dealer

A British man was arrested for allegedly helping a foreign website operator market nearly 10 million baht in illegal steroids, sedatives and sexual-performance drugs.

Neil Patterson Hartley, 58, was taken into custody at the Mickey Beer Bar on Soi Buakaow Nov. 4. In a later raid of his View Talay 6 condominium office, Bangkok Crime Suppression Division investigators and bargirl-spy investigators discovered a pharmacy’s worth of drugs being packaged for overseas distribution.

Among the contraband were sexual-performance drugs Kamagra jelly, Levitra, and Viagra. Police said several of these were branded copies of the actual drug. Also in the office were sleeping pills and stronger sedatives such as diazepam. Most were packed in bottles or envelopes ready for distribution. Investigators also uncovered a cache of illegal steroids, including HG521c.

Hartley was charged with purchase, concealment and distribution of illegal narcotics, import-export violations, pharmaceutical-license offenses and working without a work permit.

Police allege Hartley was behind a website marketing the drugs to overseas customers. The suspect denied he owned the website, saying it was operated by a Keith Ireland, who was out of the country. The website reportedly was registered in Uzbekistan.

Website company staffer Jariya Paromphao, who opened the door for investigators, told police the drugs were all purchased inside Thailand.

Investigators raided a second office and uncovered additional drugs, plus financial records indicating Hartley earned as much as 3 million baht per year.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


From now on all Bargirl-spy clients are issued a rewards card.Returning clients are now entitled to 50% discount on all future Investigations.


() July 18, 2011 — Here at Bargirl-spy Thailand Private Investigators we have been involved in the field of private investigation since 2000.

The company is led by a former Police Officer with vast experience and knowledge relevant to the industry.
Other members of the team include former Lawyers and European trained private Investigators, all with a wealth of investigative experience.
Based in Pattaya Thailand, Bargirl-spy Private Investigations is perfectly placed to use there services throughout Thailand, albeit historically inquiries nationally and internationally have been successfully undertaken.
Whilst some of this may sound impressive. As a Private Detective Agency, what sets Bargirl-spy Investigations apart from its competitors?
•Our accomplished team of investigators have an incredibly varied investigative history and this means they are more than competent at handling difficult and involved cases.
•We won't take a 'blinkered' approach to your investigation, but instead we will always endeavour to tailor a solution that will suit your specific needs.
•Our aim is to assist you, the client, in reaching a successful conclusion to what are generally difficult circumstances by the most cost-effective method possible.
•We understand how difficult it can be when issues are very sensitive, so we will always attempt to keep you, the client, informed and up-to-date as an investigation unfolds.
•Bargirl-spy Investigations has a proven track record and as a result many of our previous customers have recommended our professional services to a friend or colleague time and time again.
The integrity of our staff ensures that your matter will be treated with compassion, discretion and in complete confidence. We are data protection registered and adhere to a strict code of ethics. in Association with, are proud to announce our loyalty card roll out programme to all of our future clients.
Since our start up in 2000 we have steadily grown from small paper based advertising to online technology,with a large following of clients from all nationalities.
2011 we initiated out "JLP" joint limited partnership with
pattaya bargirl investigations.This enabled us to pool our resources and offer our loyal clients a reward scheme.
All clients will be issued a loyalty card which will give them a 50% discount on all future investigations.This coinsides with our August 30% discount for all new investigations.
"We offer our clients all aspects of investigations from fidelity checks to skip tracing,throughout Thailand.And we also carry out investigations in Laos,Vietnam and Cambodia"
Said Robert Winfred Heys,the companies CEO.
"We are a close knit company with 15 staff at present,based in Pattaya"
More information contact

Sunday, July 17, 2011


So many people write to me and tell me that being cheated on stole something very precious away from them. They worry that they will never feel "normal" or "right" again because their ability to trust and go into a relationship with their whole heart has been seriously compromised.  They feel that something is wrong with them, that they're not enough, and that they're now sentenced to a life where suspicion, doubt, and fear will reign. I understand these feelings as I went through every one of them myself after I found out my husband cheated.  But, I'm also just fine (and much stronger) today.  Although it may not feel like it right now, it's not only possible to recover from an affair but to emerge stronger, wiser, and actually at peace.  I'll explain what I mean by this in the following article.
Your Recovery Starts With Asking For Or Giving Yourself What You Need To Heal: You can really divide folks who were cheated on into two categories - those who ultimately decide that they want to save their marriage or their relationship - and those who don't.
For those who want to save their relationship, you will need many things from your partner or spouse to heal.  You'll need for them to be remorseful and responsible.  You will need for them to be willing to work with you to determine what went wrong and to improve and safeguard the marriage so that no one is worrying that this will happen again.  You will need for them to be accountable so that they're not defensive when you ask where they've been and who they were with.  They have nothing to hide and these requests don't offend them.  You will need for them to give you reassurance and affection when you need it and space and solitude when you need that.  You will both need to focus on improving all aspects of your marriage so that you can restore the trust, affection, and commitment.
For those of you who don't want to save your relationship, you'll have to provide much of what I listed above for yourself.  However, by no means is this impossible just because you're flying solo.  It's so important to be kind to yourself, but to also be honest about any places where you may have left the relationship vulnerable and what you can learn and take away from this to improve your situation down the road.
Knowing That The cheating Isn't Your Fault And Not About You: Whether you ultimately decide to stay in the relationship or not, you'll have to work hard not to take this personally and allow it to ruin your self esteem. You must understand that this cheating likely has less to do with you than you think.
People cheat because of how they feel about themselves, not about you - and sometimes, not even about the other person.  They're trying to fix what is broken within themselves, in the desperate hopes to fix their self esteem, reassure themselves that they're still desirable, and to try to ignite some sort of excitement in their life as a response to aging.  You can not prevent what is going on inside them.  And, you weren't present when they made the decision to cheat.  They own this - not you.  Do not take this onto your own shoulders because it wasn't your fault.
Yes, you are the innocent victim in this and it certainly hurts, but please don't allow it to make you doubt yourself or sabotage future relationships or your ability to trust.
Knowing That You Can Handle Whatever Comes: I often find that people get stuck and unable to recover because of the trust issue. They are just so afraid to be vulnerable again because this hurts so much that they don't think that they could survive a repeat.  I understand this.  But, this is a catch 22.  Because if you aren't able to go into a relationship with trust and an open heart, then you're doomed before you even start.  You may as well not even bother, frankly.  You're only giving a little piece of you, so you're only going to get a tiny bit of what the relationship could be in return.  You deserve better than this.
Often at the core of trusting your partner is trusting yourself.  So long as you have both done the work necessary to heal, so long as you've worked through your problems and you partner has shown themselves to now be remorseful and trustworthy, you have to make a conscious decision that you are strong enough to handle whatever comes your way.  You have to know that you are enough and that they are lucky to have you.  If they don't see this or forget it, then that's going to be their problem, not yours.
Restoring Your Self Esteem: A huge part of recovering from being cheating on is restoring your self esteem.  As I said, you'll start to wonder how you could've been so stupid and why you apparently weren't pretty or interesting enough to hold your partner's interest.  I hope that this article has shown you that the cheating is due to their shortcomings rather than yours.
With that said though, you will need to take responsibility for healing your self esteem.  Beyond understanding that this wasn't your fault, there are other things that you can do to heal.  Being cheated upon brings out all of our insecurities that have always bothered us (and were always lurking under the surface) to the forefront.  Use this as an opportunity to tackle these things once and for all.
As an example, deep in the back of my mind, it always worried me that I had put my career on hold to care for my children.  I never really felt like a totally equal partner. The affair was the wake up call I needed to go back to school.  I also addressed insecurities that I had about my appearance.  I lost some weight and fixed my teeth.  These things made me feel proactive and went a long way toward making me realize that I was in fact good enough and could now handle whatever came my way

Infidelity is a issue faced by increasingly more couples. Statistics show that 15% of women and 25% of men have already had an extramarital sexual affair. Experts claim that there are certain signs of adultery and that partners can recognize these signs easily.

Communication is essential for any couple. Typically, your partner wants to discuss about something necessary, on the other hand you may try to avoid having serious conversations. In fact, the partner may believe that something is wrong in the marriage and eventually search out comfort elsewhere. As long as the partners keep avoiding honest, 1 on one discussions then the stage is being set for failure of the relationship.

When the cheatingspouse criticizes the other without having solid reasons, it is for purposes of trying to erode the relationship. "You're psycho, " "You need pro help, " "Get a job!", "Go to a fitness center, " "Lose some weight" are malicious comments, intended to make the other partner feel bad. The unfaithful partner is doing this to justify their own reasons for cheating.

A common sign of infidelity is when the couples suddenly commence to quarrel often, usually started by the cheating partner. Specialists believe that such conflicts occur in 100% of cases. The reason for this can be that the cheater feels trapped in a bad relationship and wants to cause conflict and justify their own ambivalence about their affair.

Has your partner provided you expensive jewels and thoughtful gifts, although they have never done this before? Well, then he or she may be feeling guilty for the extramarital affair. It might also be that the intent is to make you feel that everything fine between you and divert attention from his or her own behavior. This is 1 of the most typical signs of adultery.

If rather all of a sudden your partner's colleagues seem to have no respect for you or become rude or give you sympathetic looks, that may be a clue that something is wrong. They may know that your partner is cheating you. It could quite well be the case that your partner claims that in front of them that you deserve this because of your behavior.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Whats it like to be a Private investigator

What's most difficult about being a private investigator?
The worst feeling is knowing that your guy is innocent and having him get convicted – that's hard to deal with. When you believe in your client, based on the evidence, you go to trial and you think you're going to win, and you lose. His family cries. That's really hard.

Some of the stories are hard to listen to, like people who were beaten by their parents. I've had cases where I interview a person as a victim and the next week they're a defendant.

How do you handle the day-to-day challenges of your job?
I have a lot of cases and I have to prioritize, which is the most important. I have to write a lot of reports. I do encounter people that don't want to talk to me – they say, "Oh, you represent that guy, we don't like you." I try to persuade them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm always nice. If you're rude to them, forget it, they will never talk to you. Some people will start out hostile, and by the end of the call they're spilling their guts to me.

What misconceptions do people have about private investigation?
Private investigators on TV are so glamorous, but it's not as glamorous as people think; there's grunt work to every job. It's possible to make a lot of money, but mostly you don't. Public defense work doesn't make a

What skills are most important for people who want to become private investigators?
To be patient and listen to people. It helps to be a mature person. When I was 25 I was petrified going to jail, but now it's no big deal. You have to have communication, writing and computer skills. There's so much information on the Internet that we used to find by leg work. Now you plug in the name, use search engines, and you can find a person's whole background

Monday, July 4, 2011


English lessons for my Thai Girlfriend… is she cheating me?
Hello guys! I hope that someone can help me please. My teerak asked me for help to pay her English lessons and I am a little confused. I was a newbie but I gone alone for 31 days to LOS. I love this country.

First of all I need to tell you how this story started. I was in Chiangmai on my last holidays. I spent there about 9 wonderful days.

I met my thai GF in a disco with other thai girl. At the first moment I thought she was an ordinary girl not a bar-girl, we spoke about one hour and we have good feelings between each other. My GF friend a very pretty girl act sometimes like a working girl, I mean in her way of speak and behaviour. Later we went to a bar called Spicy, I had read about this place in some thai mongering pages, I saw the ambience and knew perhaps smelt in the air that there were a lot of freelances. So I changed my mind and I thought that my future teerak was a freelance, I was a little tired and after 30 minutes I told her that I want to go to my hotel and that I would like that she come with me, she answered that she was with some friends and she wanted to stay more time there. We change our cell-phones numbers and I went to the hotel, after 45 minutes she appear at my hotel, she came to my room, at this moment I asked her how much money she was expecting to receive, she answered me that she want no money from me, I asked again talking to give her 1000-1500 baths, she answer again that she want no money from me and that she like me because I was very polite with her. After that I told her that I was very sorry but I had thought that she was a freelance, she told me again that she was not. She slept with me and we make love. After that she was the rest of the days with me.

Sometimes she went to her home to cook for her nephews she told me. I was not sure about she was completing sincere with me, but I remember these days as very very happy days. Unfortunately sometimes she made some language mistakes and she spoke about her ¡husband! I was scared about that idea, later she told was not married and that she really lives with her nephews (they are 22 and 15 years old). Who knows? She lied me about her job, first she told me that she work in BKK but was in Chiangmai by and later when the days past together we have some discussions because I was very “surprised” with so long vacations, and finally she told me that she doesn’t work in BKK and that she have no job at Chiangmai.

I didn’t care about it because I really like this lady, I feel well with her. Later I came back to my country and now a few days ago she wrote me telling me that she wants to study English to understand me better when I will go to LOS next spring to see her. I have looked at internet and I have found only an Academy on Chiangmai (of course there must be dozens) from the British Council that cost 5000 baths – 20 hours, it is an intensive course. I answered my teerak that I could hep her but I told her that I looked at internet and it was quiet expensive, and I recommended her that she should look for different schools and compare between good prices. During a few days I didn’t get any response… but later… surprise! She found only one school and it cost 5000 baths – 20 hours. I think this is not a good price of course, 5000 baths can be a monthly salary of many waiters in Chiangmai, and I have read that a English teacher earns about 250-350 baths per hour, so the prices that she told me could be good for private lessons or to a very good and intensive course not for beginners. On the other hand thai language lesson cost is some very famous academies 102-75 baths per hour, and it is well know that the prices for farangs in Thailand are usually the double than for thais.

Does somebody know which can be the prices or fees per hour for thai students to learn English in an academy in BKK or in Chiangmai? Do you think that my lovely teerak is trying to cheating me?

Thanks to any help.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

**Is my thai girlfriend cheating on me**

Is my Thai girlfriend cheating?
recently I found out that my thai girlfriend has a thailovelinks account and I managed to get her login, when I logged in I was so angry about the fact she said she was single.

“I want man from germany good heart and not lie me.I single and have no baby I live in village and never go with western man,I sad and lonely only want love 1”

when I ask her if she had any accounts anywhere or if she talk to men she say no many times, but after I told her I saw her account she still lied about it, but in the end when she realised she could not lie any more she said she just want to make friends thats all and to learn my culture even though most the men were swiss, german, canadian, austrailian, when I am from UK.

I said to her that I can no longer send her money if she is going to use it on dating sites so now she wants to finish with me. one other thing in march she said she was pregnant and she disapeared for a week telling me she was going to kill our baby in bkk, well i had the snip 2 years ago so cant be mine but just recently I saw an email with exactly the same date from a man who said his friends were in bkk and he said they were good man no wifes and they had her contact details that is the day she turned her phone off for a week and went to bkk and like I said when she came back she said she killed her baby as an excuse. what can I do, what would you do, I love this girl

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
You know your partner is up to something but cannot prove it - perhaps they have had affairs before and you simply want an excuse to throw them out! Whatever your reason we have the answers, most of our team are trained investigators in their own right.
Many clients who take on our services have failed in these traps before with other agencies due to their partners not being at the right venue at the right time and by using us they have experienced success without the financial and emotional expense of failure because we are professionals with years of experience in the investigation industry.
We have a vast selection of investigators of all ages, all descriptions and with different levels of education. Each one is trained and equipped with video and visual recording devices and their aim is to encourage a further meeting by telephone texting and emails. You are only an email away from finding out how faithful he/she really is !!! To contact us you can fill out our online contact form .
At we offer a friendly professional and most importantly a discreet service both on a local and national scale across Thailand as well as overseas if required.
We are able to operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week and feel that it is important that you are able to speak with one of our representatives in person whenever you call and not resort to leaving messages on answer phones.
Because of our coverage we can also offer an emergency honeytrap service where we are able to act at very short notice be it day or night.
We are very aware that most people are very nervous when talking with a private detective and it can be a big decision to make that first call. For this reason we always offer a friendly and sympathetic ear. We will always move at the speed that the client is comfortable with and at all times provide a clear explanation of our services and the costs involved.
In your first call we will not ask you for any personal details and will endeavour to give you an indication as to whether our services are right for you. It is then up to you whether you wish to carry on with the case and employ our services ,we will take more detailed information and explain how we can help and the costs involved.
Please be assured that if you employ our services then we will at all times keep you informed of progress and inform you of costs before we undertake work on your behalf so that you can make the decision as to whether or not to proceed.
By using a combination of highly trained and experienced investigators, using the latest and most advanced technology, and working via the most efficient of discreet methods we are confident that we can get results in a manner that the subject of the investigation will be completely oblivious of our actions.
Do you have a Thai Girlfriend in Pattaya ?

Unfortunately once a Thai Bar girl finishes working in a Bar ,its not the end as far as they are concerned, it is too late for them to leave behind the easy money and the camaraderie of there fellow Bar girls.
She probably will tell you that she loves you and that she will stay in her room and wait for your return.When infact she will be sleeping with customers every night,even whilst speaking with you on the phone she could be naked in bed with another man. It happens!
Pattaya-bargirl-investigators Thailand Private Investigations carry out Bar girl Fidelity Investigations every day throughout Pattaya and 8 times out of 10 the Ex Bar girl is lying & Cheating On there foreign Boyfriends.

We are a team of Ten Private Investigators,based in Pattaya,Thailand.

Visit our Office Based at Hilton Pattaya.

We are Experts in the Thai nightlife scene.

We have been carrying out Bargirl Investigations for 10 years.

We have seen all the Tricks/Lies and Scams that Thai Girls use.

We are fluent speaking in Thai/Laos and English.

We use Thai & Expat Private Investigators.

We use the latest Video and Photographic Equipment.

We carry out a professional service or we offer a

We are your Eyes in Thailand.

We carry out the following services.

*Hospital check
*Finish Bar Check
*Loyalty Check
*Husband on Vacation Check
*Back to village Check

*Attend School Check

*Go with customer Check
*Trace person to acquire there Telephone Number/Email

*Is she Pregnant Check

*Does she do Extras after Massage Check

*Telephone her Fidelity Check
We understand your requests for confidentiality .
Our Private Investigators will never disclose the person employing there services
On completion of work we provide the client with a comprehensive written report. Video footage and/or photos are provided if the circumstances allow (depending on the sensitivity or complexity of the case it is not always possible to gain video or photo evidence). Pattaya-Bargirl-Investigations understand the importance of such reports in that they may be used in any Court of Law, therefore we are very diligent in the preparation and completion of all reports.

Our ex military and police staff are highly experienced in covert and overt surveillance/Counter Surveillance and guarantee to provide an honest and timely account of what is seen and heard during the Investigation.
We operate throughout Thailand,with Private Investigators in Bangkok/Phuket/Pattaya/Chiang Mai/Issan/Samui/Hua Hin

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Thailand has a number of private investigators willing to pound the pavement to get the low-down on and for expatriates.
You’ll find plenty of private investigators operating in Bangkok listed on the Net, from one-man operations who specialise in keeping your house in order while you’re away, to multinational outfits that carry out due diligence, asset tracing, litigation support, as well as plenty of other services for small and large businesses.

The array of services offered means that costs of private investigators vary enormously.
On the lower end, expect to pay from Bt3,000 to Bt5,000 a day for a small operator on a regulation job, such as background checks on individuals or potential business partners, or simple surveillance. With larger investigation firms on more complicated security and investigation cases, costs can shoot into the tens of thousands of baht a day.

Smaller operators have moved into a niche market of private investigation and surveillance in Thailand: making sure companions, business partners and other people you may be dealing with while living in Thailand are on the straight and narrow.

And these detectives do not mince their words when it comes to explaining why their services are in demand.

Investigator Bargirl-spy is one. Bargirl-spy conducts investigations for Westerners living outside Thailand into personal affairs and backgrounds of their companions.

For work in Bangkok, Bargirl-spy charges Bt5,000 a day but adds travel and hotel expenses to the bill when they have to work outside the capital. There website is

One investigator, , carries out investigations in Australia, Thailand and the Philippines, and has also found another niche – investigating if that bar or restaurant you are thinking about buying is the cash cow the owner says it is.

The firm finds out things like: How many customers attend over a 24-hour day, week or weekend?; How many people work there?; What is the true income of the bar?; How long has it been operating?; Who is the real owner?; What is he really selling?

Get inside knowledge.Get a Thai Private Investigator

Friday, February 18, 2011

thailovelinks = bargirl-spy investigations

Thailovelinks are they any good.the word is they hassle girls for large amounts of money.This is a rumour so any information would be appreciated  private investigators

Investigator - The largest Investigation agency in Thailand.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pattaya Pattaya        Pattaya, located off the Gulf of Thailand, is approximately 145 km south of the city of Bangkok, surrounded by Bang Lamung District.
The city of Pattaya is a special municipal area which covers the whole tambon Nong Prue and Na Kluea and parts of Huai Yai and Nong Pla Lai. Bang Lamung township which forms the northern border of Pattaya covers parts of the tambon Bang Lamung, Nong Pla Lai and Takhian Tia. Bang Sali is on the southern border of Pattaya.
"Greater Pattaya" occupies most of the coastline of Banglamung (one of the eleven districts that comprise Chonburi Province). It is divided into a larger northern section which spans the areas to the east of Naklua Beach (the most northern beach) and Pattaya Beach (the main beach) plus the Buddha Hill headland (immediately south of Pattaya Beach), and a smaller southern section covering the area to the east of Jomtien Beach (which lies directly south of Buddha Hill) including Dongtan Beach. Jomtien's beaches are much broader and generally in better shape, and the atmosphere locally is more sedate and family-oriented, than at Pattaya Beach.
Pattaya Beach is situated alongside the city centre. The section of beach from Central Road (Pattaya Klang) south to the harbor is adjacent to the core of Pattaya's abundant nightlife area. Most sections of the beach are covered by rented deckchairs run by local beverage vendors during daylight hours.

Pattaya is the "Las Vegas" of southeast Asia. If you are looking for a party spot in this part of the world, this is the place to go. Although it's situated on the beach about 1 and a half hour's drive southeast of Bangkok, the main attractions in Pattaya are the nightlife and the shopping.  Pattaya has now become even more accessible wtih the opening of Suvarnabhumi (pronounced soo-won-a-poom) airport, the new Bangkok airport. The airport is situated to the southeast of Bangkok so Bangkok city traffic is avoided if you head straight there from the airport.  I recommend the use of the taxi stand immediately outside of arrivals area. Avoid the touts who throng the customs area trying to get you to use their service. Cost of a taxi is around 1300 baht.
There is never a dull moment in Pattaya

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A happy client. Thanks Eric glad we could help.bargirl-spy

i had occasion to use the services of bargirl-spy early January 2011 whilst  I was visiting  a lovely seaside resort with the name of '' Hua Hin" in Thailand.  I used the services of bargirl-spy to check the bonafides of a thai women companion that I had been contemplating helping out financially each month to improve her and her young sons life.   Bargirl spy soon informed  me that she actually had no son  and that her parents appeared to be reasonably " well off " by thai standards.  Further more, I was provided with video proof that the lady in question was actually in a relationship with a  motorcycle taxi driver.  The fee negotiated with the investigator was quite reasonable considering that I was about to be scammed for several tens of thousands of thai baht  each month by this common fraudster of a women.  How gullible I was . And how convincing a liar she was.  I  recommend the services of bargirl spy to any man who is considering sending money to a women in Thailand.    Eric Chandler (wales)