bargirl-spy welcomes you and your comments. are the largest bargirl/non bargirl private investigators currently operating in Bangkok,Phuket,Pattaya and through out Thailand.Experts in fidelity checks.

bargirl-spy has 10 years experience operating as bargirl/thai lady investigators in thailand. have 12 field operatives and 5 support administrators based in Bangkok,Phuket,Chiang Mai and Pattaya. have seen all the lies ,cheating,scamming and tricks that are used.

Our detectives are well versed in covert surveillance and always undertake investigations in a discreet and efficient manner using professional methods .The performance and methodology of our detectives is under constant review to ensure the investigations that we carry out for you are conducted in the most thorough and cost-effective manner. operate on a totally unbiased view and we respect your confidentiality.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bargirl-spy Thailands Premier Private Investigators Taking care of rotten apples

Thailand is a beautiful place,easy going and relativley inexpensive,this is why millions of single men travel here each year.Well maybe they come for the  sweet Ladies,and a chance of a "girlfriend experience" with no strings attached.
Unfortunately these liittle angels have ways of getting under your skin and brain washing you in to thinking you are a "handsome man" and gods gift to women.Its a great feeling when your 55 years old and you have a beer belly and a bold head.After all we all want to be loved but the thai bargirls love is just for your atm card and they will do anything to max it out.
Cheating,lying and even murder are nothing to these girls.There are many reported suicides in Thailand of foreigners, when it is clearly a murder.Example, a man was found hanging from his neck in his garden,his hands were tied behind his back and the chair he used to  step off was 30 feet away,but the worst part was the apparant suicide note stating all his belongings ,house and money should go to his thai girlfriend.
The best advice is,come to Thailand for a holiday,have some fun and return home alive and with fond memories.If you fall in love with a bargirl you should get her checked out to see if she is a faithful angel. can find out all the answers for you and save you alot of grief and loss of money,so contact Rung 24/7 at

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