bargirl-spy welcomes you and your comments. are the largest bargirl/non bargirl private investigators currently operating in Bangkok,Phuket,Pattaya and through out Thailand.Experts in fidelity checks.

bargirl-spy has 10 years experience operating as bargirl/thai lady investigators in thailand. have 12 field operatives and 5 support administrators based in Bangkok,Phuket,Chiang Mai and Pattaya. have seen all the lies ,cheating,scamming and tricks that are used.

Our detectives are well versed in covert surveillance and always undertake investigations in a discreet and efficient manner using professional methods .The performance and methodology of our detectives is under constant review to ensure the investigations that we carry out for you are conducted in the most thorough and cost-effective manner. operate on a totally unbiased view and we respect your confidentiality.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What is a Bargirl

A bargirl is a woman who works as a dancer or hostess in bars to provide company or sexual services to customers; the exact nature of services and varieties of bar varying by country/region. In most cases, these cater mostly to male clients.
These kinds of bars include hostess bars, gogo bars and "beer bars", and while the term "bargirl" is not used, the basic form is similar in some other areas such as the boliches of Argentina.
Note that this term should not be confused with a barmaid, who serves drinks in a bar but is not expected to entertain customers personally or provide sexual services. Many bars that employ bargirls will have additional service staff, who may be of either sex.
Where bargirls act as prostitutes, patterns vary widely: regionally, between bars and also just on individual preference. Some will seek to have as many customers as possible in a given day, like many prostitutes in the west; these women will generally only take "short-time" clients. Others will be more selective and only accept one customer in a day, taking "long-time" customers overnight or even for a few days following.
In some cases, the cost of a bar fine is fixed; in others, the cost of a "long-time" bar fine is higher than of a "short-time" one. can give you free advise as regards to bargirls and Thai nightlife scene

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pattaya and bargirl private Investigations

Of all the Thailand resort areas,Pattaya is the most famous for bargirls.Its reputationis built on its bargirls.It is only 90 minutes south of Bangkok.In Pattaya bargirls number up to maybe 100,000 ,there are streets of them  crowded in to bars,massage parlour and gogos .
Picture the scene.A foreign man arives in town,meets a bargirl and falls in love,this is where the problems start.You have to remember these girls are prostitutes and very poor,working in the sex industry so they can send money back to the village and take care of there families.
So after your holiday you return to your home country,where you continue to communicate via the internet or maybe the phone with the girl you met in thailand,maybe you are sending her money and she promises to finish working in the bar.But will she,in most cases these girls have many men sending them money every month and the demands only increase with spectacular stories of "buffalo sick", "grandma sick need money doctor" or maybe "tractor no work.
These girls are expert liars,it comes natural to them.And you are just a walking atm machine dispersing money at her command.
So time to call a profesional  private investigator. Providing detective and investigation service in thailand requires an in depth knowledge  and experiance of thailands culture and customs enabaling the investigator to  do covert  urban surveliance .
Once all the details of where the girl works,what she looks like,where she lives,are given to the investigator.
The investigator and a colleague will initiate a sting operation,where one of them will enter the bar or workplace wired up to a microphone and start up some bar talk with the girl, finally resulting in her agreeing  to  go for sex with the investigator.During this time the second investigator will be taking photos and video footage.Once all the evidence is recorded the investigator will make his excuse to leave,maybe he feels sick or he has just had an important phone call.
After the investigation,all the evidence would be  emailed to the the client, operate throughout thailand carrying out these  type of investigations.

Bargirl-spy Thailands Premier Private Investigators Taking care of rotten apples

Thailand is a beautiful place,easy going and relativley inexpensive,this is why millions of single men travel here each year.Well maybe they come for the  sweet Ladies,and a chance of a "girlfriend experience" with no strings attached.
Unfortunately these liittle angels have ways of getting under your skin and brain washing you in to thinking you are a "handsome man" and gods gift to women.Its a great feeling when your 55 years old and you have a beer belly and a bold head.After all we all want to be loved but the thai bargirls love is just for your atm card and they will do anything to max it out.
Cheating,lying and even murder are nothing to these girls.There are many reported suicides in Thailand of foreigners, when it is clearly a murder.Example, a man was found hanging from his neck in his garden,his hands were tied behind his back and the chair he used to  step off was 30 feet away,but the worst part was the apparant suicide note stating all his belongings ,house and money should go to his thai girlfriend.
The best advice is,come to Thailand for a holiday,have some fun and return home alive and with fond memories.If you fall in love with a bargirl you should get her checked out to see if she is a faithful angel. can find out all the answers for you and save you alot of grief and loss of money,so contact Rung 24/7 at

Saturday, September 25, 2010

We are the experts

Bargrl-spy Investigations is  the top private investigation agencie in Thailand, and why we are the better choice:

We know what we are doing.Unlike many PI agencies that are starting up these days, we know the business of investigating from the inside out. Even before bargirl-spy Investigations was started, the director was a seasoned uk detective which means he has had extensive experience in even more stressful and critical investigations and with bargirl-spy Investigation, these skills and knowledge are used to their utmost, and all the people under him have been screened and trained properly to ensure the best interests of the clients are served.

 discretion is one of the best assets of our professional services. You may have all the modern gadgets and gizmos that help in investigations, but if you do not keep as low a profile as possible, you do a disservice to your client. If the client does not mind things getting out in the open, then that’s another matter altogether, but in our experience, the majority of our clients preferred a quiet solution to their problems and silent data gathering. and we always respect their privacy and their desire to be as hidden as possible.