bargirl-spy welcomes you and your comments. are the largest bargirl/non bargirl private investigators currently operating in Bangkok,Phuket,Pattaya and through out Thailand.Experts in fidelity checks.

bargirl-spy has 10 years experience operating as bargirl/thai lady investigators in thailand. have 12 field operatives and 5 support administrators based in Bangkok,Phuket,Chiang Mai and Pattaya. have seen all the lies ,cheating,scamming and tricks that are used.

Our detectives are well versed in covert surveillance and always undertake investigations in a discreet and efficient manner using professional methods .The performance and methodology of our detectives is under constant review to ensure the investigations that we carry out for you are conducted in the most thorough and cost-effective manner. operate on a totally unbiased view and we respect your confidentiality.

Friday, February 18, 2011

thailovelinks = bargirl-spy investigations

Thailovelinks are they any good.the word is they hassle girls for large amounts of money.This is a rumour so any information would be appreciated  private investigators

Investigator - The largest Investigation agency in Thailand.

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